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A Particularly Potent Potion

Steal Love Potion #6 from Gallywix's personal safe.
Speak with Trixyni
Speak with Izak
Gallywix's Safe Key
Love Potion #6


I've got a proposition for ya, <name>!

Word has it that Trade Prince Gallywix recently acquired a priceless, one-of-a-kind love potion. There's only one goblin who can replicate it and you're looking at him! Get me that potion and I can make us both richer than kings!

The pleasure palace is located in Azshara and it has been on high alert since the war started. Gallywix isn't letting anybody in except his personal staff, but I know a girl on the inside!

Find her and she'll get you to the safe!


Do you have the goods?


Aww, yesss! That's the stuff!

<Noggenfogger pops the cork and dabs some of the potion on his finger.>

Have mercy! WOWZA! I'm going to need some time alone with this stuff!


Also, you get: 19 40


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 15,510 experience (18 28 50 at max. level)

