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Into the Fray

Speak with the lead demon hunter at Illidari Stand.


The Burning Legion has beaten us here, but so too have the Illidari. It looks like the demon hunters are holding their own, but just barely. Come, let's put that weapon of yours to use. I'll figure out our next move while you crush the Legion.


You are a most welcome sight, <name>. And, you brought considerable firepower in the form of Archmage Khadgar.

Malevolence has been portaling us back and forth between here and the Fel Hammer. We pushed the demons out of these ruins, but they are stronger than any we have encountered before.

Your leadership is greatly appreciated. If we do not crush this Legion invasion now, they will overrun Azsuna and then the rest of the Broken Isles.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

