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Bring Home the Beacon

Additional requirements to obtain this quest:
Use the Advanced Telemancy Beacon to survey Evermoon Commons, Evermoon Bazaar, and Siren's Vigil in Suramar City.
Advanced Telemancy Beacon (Provided)
Evermoon Commons surveyed (100)
Evermoon Bazaar surveyed (100)
Siren's Vigil surveyed (100)


The conduit we need is in the Arcway, and security in the Arcway has doubled since your last visit. Our only reasonable option is to teleport your strike team directly in. This is a long-range teleport to a non-anchored destination. In other words, it will be hard. Take this beacon and survey the commons in Suramar City, then return the beacon to me so I can analyze the results. This will help me teleport you as close as possible to the conduit!


Imagine firing an arrow at the sky in hopes of hitting an acorn at the far end of the forest.

This teleport will be a little harder, but I think I can do it.


Excellent. With this, the chances of me teleporting you all to the bottom of the sea are much lower!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

