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The Nighthold: Into the Nighthold

Collect Nightshards from the Nighthold on Normal difficulty or higher.
Nightshard (20)


Our work is very nearly complete. Now that the Heart can safely absorb power from fel magic, we need the strongest sources of it that we can get our hands on.

Gul'dan has called the nightborne's elite back to the Nighthold to aid him. The storm of fel energy above the palace has seeped into the very fabric of their being, even making its way into the crystallized pieces of the Nightwell that many carry with them.

Those shards are exactly what we need, <name>. Save as many as you can in your assault.


How many Nightshards were you able to retrieve?


<Kalec sifts through the pile of Nightshards.>

Yes, these are perfect! There's just one more thing we need.


Also, you get: 50


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 16,475 experience

