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Forgotten Shadows

Head to Duskwood and meet with a member of the Cult of Forgotten Shadows.


The Light walks among us, as does one of our enemies. You have done well to bring the prophecy to life, but it is not yet complete. The shadows must rise, and to do so, the Cult of Forgotten Shadows must be restored. You will find the few remaining followers at the cemetery in Duskwood. They linger there near the grave of their fallen leader.


Alonsus sent you, did he? He's never shown much interest in us before.

Of course, we've never been ones to follow the Light, at least not in the way that most would want us to.

We embrace the Shadows as well, finding our faith in the balance between both extremes.


Also, you get: 25


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 8,255 experience (60 at max. level)

