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Quick Facts
  • Requires level 98
  • Type: Artifact
  • Side: Both
  • Class: Shaman
  • Start: Xuen
  • Not sharable
2. The Codex of Ra
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The Codex of Ra

Enter the Guo Lai Halls in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms and collect the Edict of Stone, the Edict of Fire, and the Edict of the Storm. Cleanse the area by slaying mogu spirits.
Travel to the Guo-Lai Halls
The Edict of Fire
The Edict of Stone
The Edict of the Storm
Mogu Spirits Purged (8)


The Thunder King conquered Pandaria using power stolen from the Titan Keeper Ra, known as "Ra-den" in the mogu tongue. If you truly seek to wield the relics of the Highkeeper, seek out his ancient edicts among the ruins in the heart of the mogu empire: The Edict of Stone, The Edict of Fire, and the Edict of the Storm.

These pieces of the codex are scattered amongst the Guo-Lai Halls in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, one in each wing.


I've been asking around. The pandaren locals are terrified of this place. It's been haunted since the end of Hellscream's Pandaren Campaign.

Did you find an offering for the White Tiger?


That tiger is serious about this, isn't he?

While you were here, others came to the Temple of the White Tiger to present their offerings to him. It looks like we're going to have some competition.


Also, you get: 15 40


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 14,825 experience (18 28 50 at max. level)

