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2. Maw of Souls: Ancient Vrykul Legends
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Maw of Souls: Ancient Vrykul Legends

Gather a group and take an etching of the Raven's Eye Tablet on the ship of the dead, The Naglfar, in the Maw of Souls.
The Raven's Eye Tablet etched


Our diversionary tactics in Stormheim uncovered intel on something I thought only a myth. There is a legend about a magical jewel the vrykul created long before the time of man. The jewel was said to be able to... <Valeera stops herself from continuing while looking around and eyeing you wryly.> I do not want to talk about it just yet. Not until we have proof. Unfortunately, the only way we are going to get that proof is in the Maw of Souls on the Naglfar... the ship of the dead.


Did you find proof?


The legend was true! I was right about my suspicions. I had heard about Ravencrest's almost perfect espionage team during the War of the Ancients. Now we know how they got their information. The others will not believe it when we tell them. Of course, we could keep it to ourselves. <Valeera considers for a weighty moment.> No. That is how the foolish and greedy lose their heads. We will spread the risk around to everyone.


Also, you get: 77 60
Order Resources


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 32,925 experience (36 57 at max. level)

