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The Unseen Blade

Help Garona take out the Veiled Hand cultists in Stormwind.
Obtain the Kingslayers (1)
Return to the Hall of Shadows (1)


We can't let Stormwind fall to the Legion, and I don't trust Shaw or his SI:7 goons to take care of the Hand on their own.

The two of us need to handle this while there's still time.

The entire city is on edge from murmurs of the cult's activities. They're as likely to turn on you as they are the cultists if you aren't careful.

The other Shadows spoke highly of your skills. Are you in?


Every second I held those blades was torture. They're all yours.


Also, you get: 50


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 14,825 experience (1 50 at max. level)

