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Return of the Light

Accompany Jace Darkweaver through the portal and obtain T'uure, Beacon of the Naaru.
Travel through the Portal on Darkstone Isle
Obtain T'uure
Niskara Portal Key slain



There is a gateway further down this pathway and like most Legion constructs it is powered by souls.

I think the death of that Inquisitor should be just enough to activate it and open the way back to where it came from.

Let's go see where the path takes us, shall we?


It is T'uure! I had thought it was lost to us forever!

When I last saw this staff we were escaping from a small world called Niskara. The Legion came upon us unawares, we were only able to escape thanks to a few brave Vindicators who remained behind with T'uure to stall their attack.

I did not think it could be done, but you were able to recover T'uure. You truly walk in the light, <name>. You have my respect, and my thanks.


Also, you get: 1 50


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 22,220 experience (2 40 at max. level)

