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Prongs and Fangs

Slay 8 Suramar Snarlers and Gloomfang.
Suramar Snarler slain (8)
Gloomfang slain


Now, <name>, do not mistake me- I am a druid. I understand that nature has a balance. Predators must feed, and others will be hunted. I also understand that tampering with such balance has consequences. That is why I have taken upon myself to walk this land and perform some... ah... calculations. Slay only a small number of the wolves you find, and one alpha. That should reduce their number enough to allow the Sablehorn to thrive without disrupting the flow of things here.


Are you being gentle with your pruning?


In the end, they will all thrive- for with more Sablehorn, the wolves will eat better in the years to come.


The following spell will be cast on you:
Event Trigger w/Validator
Also, you get: 19 40


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 16,475 experience (18 28 50 at max. level)

