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2. 1 Down to Azsuna
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Down to Azsuna

Speak with Archmage Khadgar to fly down to Azsuna.
Fly down with Khadgar


<name>, we must find a way to reseal the Tomb of Sargeras. I have uncovered information concerning an ancient relic, which might be the key to stopping the Legion. Our search begins on the ancient elven island of Azsuna. Long ago, it was where the Highborne elves of Suramar perfected their mightiest of magics. Now it is a cursed ruin. The Illidari demon hunters have established a camp on the island. As they are the only people we know in the area, that is where we will begin. Ready to take wing?


As I suspected, the Illidari are holding the line against the Burning Legion, but just barely. We must come to their aid, <name>.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 14,825 experience (5 25 at max. level)

