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The Arcway: Rite of the Captain

Take Advisor Vandros' Eon Winder from The Arcway on Mythic difficulty.
Eon Winder
Defeat Advisor Vandros (1)
Suggested players: 5


Only a captain of the Guard may receive the power of our order - our ancient laws forbid otherwise.

You must complete the rite of the captain.

Traditionally, aspirants patrol the Arcway for three weeks without rest, the vast labyrinth putting their skills as a Guard to the test. Our laws must still be honored, but I believe there another way you may prove yourself.

Elisandre's advisor, Vandros, has recently descended into the Arcway's depths. Kill him, and take his Eon Winder.


Have you completed the rites as asked?


Well done. The Eon Winder will help us control the delicate magics at play within the Heart.


Also, you get: 50


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 16,480 experience

