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A Fate Worse Than Dying

Open 8 Soul Engine Cages.
Felsoul Captives saved (8)
Felsoul Cage (8)


When the Burning Legion takes a prisoner, it is not an act of mercy.

While death is the destruction of the mortal body... if you are captured by the Legion, they will seek to destroy your soul.

The Burning Legion uses sacrificial souls to power their demonic machinations of war. The soul engine is where the harvested souls are collected and stored.

Though countless have already perished in the soul engine, you may yet save those still alive inside.

Hurry and release them before it is too late!


Have the soul engine cages been opened?


The destruction of the soul is a fate far worse than death. You have done a great service to those you saved.


The following spell will be cast on you:
Quest Complete
Also, you get: 19 40


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 16,480 experience (18 28 50 at max. level)

