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Bloodied Blades of Zeth'Gol

Collect Bleeding Hollow Ritual Blades from Bleeding Hollow orcs in Zeth'Gol.
Bleeding Hollow Ritual Blade (25)


The Bleeding Hollow clan is infamous for their blood rituals. The brutes carve sigils into their flesh and create potions from the blood of their strongest warriors.

The curved ceremonial blades they use have a power all their own. Gather some of these for me. We will deprive them of these weapons and learn something about our enemy at the same time.


We draenei have had little contact with the Bleeding Hollow before this war. They were an insular clan living in one of the most hostile parts of Draenor.


What terrible instruments these are! We will learn what we can from these and then destroy them.


Also, you get: 15 40


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(39567))

