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Lieutenant of the Tower

Kill Desdel Stareye.
Lieutenant Desdel Stareye slain


All of your instincts were correct. Gul'dan raised Lord Ravencrest, and his ghostly army, from beyond the grave. Now, they serve the Legion, protecting secrets within the tower.

Although Ravencrest commands from above, Lieutenant Desdel Stareye operates the prisons.

He tormented me these past few moons, but I did not yield.

<Maiev runs a finger along her curved blade.>

His life must be ended.


Lord Stareye came from a noble house, but in war, he never came close to Ravencrest or my brother.

Now that he is defeated, we can turn our attention to his commander.

However, that will be no easy task. We must gather our strength before facing Lord Ravencrest himself.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Tower Magi's Eye Small Highborne Figurine
The Jailer's Cat Tail The Interrogator's Vial
Araxxas's Badge Gul'dan's Commission
Everflame Arrowhead Inquisitor's Fire-Brand Tip
Death's Chill Mirror Shard Defiant Frozen Fist
Blessed Cup of the Moon Elune Graced Signet
Rook Fired Ore The Forgemaster's Hammer Head
Nourishmoss Revitalizing Incense
Vial of Dormant Shadowswarm Patch of Risen Saber Pelt
Guile of the Hold's Sky Terrors Wind-Whipped Hold Banner Strip
The following spell will be cast on you:
Also, you get: 19 40


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 14,825 experience (18 28 50 at max. level)
  • 250 Reputation with Dreamweavers

