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Pump it Up

Fill the Containment Unit with Volatile Waste.
Containment Unit (Provided)
Containment Unit filled
Volatile Waste (100)


The Black Rose was a seafaring laboratory for the Royal Apothecary Society. Naturally, we had some volatile... "byproducts" onboard.

Regrettably, one such substance was released during our skirmish with the Alliance gunship. As you can see, it is taking quite a toll on the coast.

The R.A.S. must remedy this situation before we press further inland.

Please take a containment unit and fill it with waste - for us to dispose of properly at a later time, of course.


There's still room in that containment unit.


Wonderful, just put that down anywhere. Careful not to spill it!

<The apothecary snickers.>


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Runespeaker's Gloves Runesworn Grips
Stormborn Gloves Dreadsworn Gauntlets
Runespeaker's Robes Runesworn Chestguard
Stormborn Tunic Dreadsworn Chestguard
Also, you get: 50


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 14,825 experience (1 50 at max. level)

