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Maritime Law

Find Looper Allen near the ship that's run aground on the east side of Mak'rana.


Good <sir / madame>, a moment of your time. My fellow salvors and I could not help but notice yon ship that ran aground in the storm last night. A pity about its crew. <Mr. Shackles makes empathetic gestures.> Still, the law's the law. The maritime code is quite clear on the matter. If you find yourself out that way, would you mind terribly checking in on my acquisitions scout, Looper? I would have expected him back for tea some time ago.


Do you know what ship this is? It's the Queen's Reprisal. Queen... as in the Banshee Queen, Sylvanas Windrunner. If the farmstead weren't sunk under the waves, I'd be heading home to Gilneas right about now.


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