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Pinchwhistle Gearworks

Speak to Bron Skyhorn the Wingman to secure a flight to the Pinchwhistle Gearworks.
Travel to Pinchwhistle Gearworks


Commander, a courier arrived this morning.

He said he's from a goblin settlement in Spires of Arak called the Pinchwhistle Gearworks. They've asked for our assistance with some sort of ecological disaster.

We're spread thin but if we can earn their trust then we might be able to gain a valuable ally.

Head down there and see what sort of assistance we can provide. I've already spoken to the flight master and he's set up a special flight to get you out there.


Hey, you're from that Horde base right?

Glad you made the trip because we really could use your help!


Also, you get: 1 5


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1,495 experience (30 at max. level)

