Retrieve the Fungal Brain from Dirgemire.Fungal Brain |
In order to fully understand the nature and properties of the Zangarium Draenormycota, I need to examine the strain within a complex fungal structure. The fungal brain of a spore giant would do nicely.Not just any spore giant will serve though, it needs to be big... mean... primordial... the perfect specimen!
In a cavern deep below the surface is an ancient spore giant the locals fearfully refer to as Dirgemire. Slay the monster, but be sure to carefully preserve the fungal brain for our research!
Without a fungal brain to examine, the mysteries of the Zangar ecosystem will remain unsolved!Completion
I see you've retrieved Dirgemire's fungal brain!Not only is the fungal structure perfectly intact, as a specimen it is exquisite! I will need only a moment to begin the examination...
You will receive:Summon Dialog Bunny |
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(36285))