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Admiral Taylor

Find Admiral Taylor at Admiral Taylor's Farm.
Admiral Taylor found
Soulscythe slain
Ephial slain


Admiral Taylor had figured out who was behind all this. He told us to save who we could... he wanted to handle matters himself.

We never heard from him again, but we have our orders.

Please... please find him. He went towards the farm.


From one commander to another... thank you.

We've faced off on the field of battle so many times. Vashj'ir... the Jade Forest... Lion's Landing...

I am glad I could end my journey with such a worthy adversary.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Admiral Taylor's Shield Admiral Taylor's Ceremonial Sword
Admiral Taylor's Cutlass Admiral Taylor's Keg Tapper
Admiral Taylor's Greatsword Admiral Taylor's Hunting Bow
Admiral Taylor's Boot Knife Admiral Taylor's Glaive
Admiral Taylor's Staff of Wisdom
The following spell will be cast on you:
Complete Quest
Also, you get: 27 60


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 18,180 experience (10 89 at max. level)

