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3. The Avatar of Terokk
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The Avatar of Terokk

Speak with Shade of Terokk to accept his power. Slay 4 Shattered Hand combatants, 1 Shattered Pit-Masters, and confront Kargath Bladefist.
Shattered Hand combatant slain (25)
Bladefist Ravager slain (4)
Kargath Bladefist confronted


My long sleep was disturbed by dreams of the past. I cut down my old enemies again. I watched my daughter die again. You were there. I felt your presence in these dreams. And your past was revealed to me as well. Someone has woven our fates together. My people are yours to protect, and your enemies are mine to destroy. The Shattered Hand are rallied in Bladefist Hold. Left to their own, they would claim this land for the Iron Horde. Take my power, and together we shall break them.


The Shattered Hand is in shambles and the Avatar of Terokk now walks among us.

When I promised you power back in Skettis, did you expect that it would come without any strings attached? Ha!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Talon Guard Bloodsworn Signet Talon Guard Bloodsworn Loop
Talon Guard Bloodsworn Ring Talon Guard Bloodsworn Seal
Talon Guard Bloodsworn Band
Also, you get: 28 40


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

