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News from Spires of Arak

Speak to Bodrick Grey at your garrison in Shadowmoon Valley.


While you were gone, a rather shady looking human arrived at the outpost asking for you. He said he worked for... Grey was it?... and had some information regarding Spires of Arak that you would be interested in. He was heading back to your garrison and asked that I passed along the message, and so I have. And before you go, thank you for all you've done for us here, truly. You and your army have turned the tides of a war that you could have just as easily walked away from. We will not forget.


Welcome back, commander. I know you'll probably want to get things settled here first, but there's been some word of an uprising in Spires of Arak. If we act fast, we might be able to make some new allies against the Iron Horde. I'll have the scouts keep an ear out for any more news. That's it for now, sir.


Also, you get: 1 69 80


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1,475 experience (60 at max. level)

