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Hardly Working

Use Illusion Effigies to create decoys for Enslaved Outcasts.
Illusion Effigies (Provided)
Enslaved Outcasts freed (10)


Those who were not incinerated at Veil Akraz are forced to help the Adherents excavate the very weapons aimed at their heads.

Anyone trying to escape is vaporized by the overseer's Apexis turret.

With these effigies, they won't know anyone has left! Place one near an enslaved worker and observe as it creates a perfect copy. It even cloaks the subject in shadow, so they can slip away safely!


Impressive, aren't they? My own creation.

A simple wooden effigy bearing just a pinch of enchantment.


Deception is the ultimate power. Remember this, <name>.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Skywatch Adherent Pendant Skywatch Adherent Choker
Skywatch Adherent Locket Skywatch Adherant Necklace
Skywatch Adherant Gorget
Also, you get: 13 80


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

