Power of the Genesaur
Speak with Vindicator Maraad at Highpass in Gorgrond.Description
Commander, you now have the Will of the Genesaur along with the genesis water and enough seeds to grow an army. Not to mention the lives of the dwarves you saved.I would call this mission a success.
I can help the dwarves mop up their operation here and see what we can salvage. In the meantime, you may want to bring the artifact to Maraad back at the outpost.
Well done, Commander. Many of the orcs have tried to master the power of the genesaur but I have never heard of any of them reaching this level of success.This should provide us a substantial advantage in the days ahead.
Also, you get: 19 50Gains
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 14,265 experience (12 81 at max. level)