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Quick Facts
  • Level: 96
  • Requires level 96
  • Side: Both
  • Start: Kazu
  • End: Kazu
  • Sharable
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Hatred Undying

Gather Congealed Blood of Sethe from Sethekk Holllow.
Congealed Blood of Sethe (15)


The blood of the dead god, Sethe, lingers in the pools here. And with it, his hatred of Rukhmar and Anzu.

So strong was this hate that it animates the blood even now, eons after he was slain by his fellow gods.

I need the congealed blood that holds those spiteful creatures together.

There is nothing the Adherents fear more than the power of this curse - what if we could brandish it against them?


My attempts to bottle the pooled blood have failed. It breaks down and dissipates when it is taken away from Sethe's bones.

But I have high hopes for this congealed form!


Excellent, excellent. Go ahead and drop those directly into the cauldron.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Cragplate Warboots Shadowveil Treads
Ravenchain Sabatons Skysinger Boots
The following spell will be cast on you:
Hatred Undying: Completion Spell
Also, you get: 13 80


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

