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Quick Facts
  • Level: 96
  • Requires level 96
  • Side: Both
  • Start: Skizzik
  • End: Reshad
  • Sharable
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Mother of Thorns

Slay 5 Shadeback Ravagers and the Shadeback Thornmother.
Shadeback Ravager slain (5)
Shadeback Thornmother slain


<Beneath Skizzik's outstretched hand, letters are scrawled into the dirt:

t h o r n

m o t h e r

Ravagers brought in by the Shattered Hand have taken over the aviary and are breeding fast. If left alone, they could be swarming the entire area - including Veil Terokk - in a matter of days.>


Shame about Skizzik's aviary. That's where Percy came from. Skizzik wasn't interested in the "runts" after he started breeding the big ones full-time.

To be honest, I never liked those monstrous things.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Prickly Shadeback Thorn Thornmother Eye
Oversized Shadeback Talon
Also, you get: 13 80


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

