Qiana Moonshadow
Speak with Qiana Moonshadow.Speak with Qiana Moonshadow |
If we are to win this war we are going to need more than foot soldiers. We need champions.Qiana Moonshadow's performance in Tanaan and Eventide Landing was quite impressive.
Perhaps you should speak with her about taking on a greater role in the battle against the Iron Horde.
Luuka is a little shaken up, but he is safe, and that's all that really matters.Look... commander, I owe you my life. All of us do honestly.
I would be honored to serve as your agent here in Draenor. If you have need of me, you need only say the word.
You will learn:Follower: Qiana Moonshadow |
Trigger Multi Spells - Qiana Moonshadow accepts (Follower 001 Mission) |
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:- 13,720 experience (8 22 at max. level)