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Destination: Unknown

Destroy Mongrethod in the Remains of Xandros.
Portal taken
Mongrethod slain
Portal taken


Teron'gor and Gul'dan were just leaving through the portal as I arrived... and I... I know I won't be able to defeat them.

I'll hold open the portal as long as I can. It will be up to you to strike the killing blow.

Our fate is in your hands, <name>.


Teron'gor and Gul'dan... they slaughtered everyone...

...and then they just... disappeared... into the shadows...

How did they know where to go?


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Band of the Auchenai Anchorite Auchenai Preserver's Loop
Seal of the Auchenai Guardian Auchenai Soultender's Ring
Auchenai Protector's Seal
Also, you get: 27 60


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 18,175 experience (10 89 at max. level)

