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WANTED: Hilaani

Slay Hilaani and bring a Pile of Riverbeast Meat to Beastmaster Tagh.
Pile of Riverbeast Meat
Suggested players: 3


We need more meat, commander.

I know what you're thinking. What about all of that meat right behind me?

That's the problem. It'll be gone in a day if we're lucky.

There's a riverbeast that lives in the lake to the south. Locals call her Hilaani. Massive, lots of meat.

If you would take down the beast and bring me her meat, your wolves will be better off for it.


Good to see you, commander.


Is that what I think it is? You are too kind, commander!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Riverbeast Tusk Shank Sharpened Riverbeast Tusk
Riverbeast Jawbone Halaani's Wisdom Tooth
Sha'tari Keeper Girdle Riverbeast Femur
Also, you get: 26 80


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 18,000 experience (10 80 at max. level)

