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WANTED: Ra'tok the Hammer

Kill Ra'tok the Hammer in the Orunai Coast.
Ra'tok the Hammer slain
Suggested players: 3


The Iron Horde have no honor. They disgust me.

We spotted one of their lieutenants wandering the cliffs not far from our base. I believe that she is tracking our movements to prepare for some sort of assault from the Orunai Coast.

I understand you have much to do, commander. If you have the time, I believe it would be beneficial to our position's integrity.


If you see the one they call Ra'tok the Hammer, I suggest you slay her for the Horde.


I knew you'd kill her. No Iron Horde is safe from your wrath.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Ra'tok's Painhammer Ra'tok's Buckler
Ra'tok's Throatguard Sha'tari Deadeye Belt
Talador Sentinel Belt
Also, you get: 26 80


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 18,000 experience (10 80 at max. level)

