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Honor Has Its Rewards

Go to the Shamanstone in Wor'gol and receive a blessing.
Receive Blessing from Shamanstone


You have honored my people. Now, we wish to honor you.

We have a rite of initiation in my clan. When one comes of age, they cover themselves in the blood of their first hunt, and rest their hands upon a shamanstone to honor the ancestors who came before them.

In our brief time together you have already slain many foes more fierce than our hunters have ever had to face. Go, touch the shamanstone here in Wor'gol, and join our pack as an equal.


Thank you for saving my clan.


If you choose to continue to help our clan, the other Shamanstones will sense your closeness to the Frostwolves and might bless you with more gifts.


Also, you get: 3 80 50


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 13,715 experience (1 50 at max. level)
  • 250 Reputation with Frostwolf Orcs

