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A Grandmother's Remedy

Collect 6 Vials of Toad Juice.
Vial of Toad Juice (6)


Oh my, such a vigorous young <lad / lass>! Such a spring in your step, and such a sparkle in your eye!

When you get to my age, it's all aches and pains.

Luckily, I have a recipe for an unguent that would soothe my joints. I just need the ooze from the skin of belly toads in the swamp.

Would you be a dear and help an old woman out?


It's all downhill from here, dearie.


Oh thank you child, thank you, thank you.

The nights in the swamp are cold. It means a lot to this old woman to have some comfort from her aching bones.


Also, you get: 11 80


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