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Fractured Forces

Slay Dalgan and Bellandra Felstorm.
Dalgan slain
Bellandra Felstorm slain


The Horde have made our jobs easier for us. Their infighting and segregation have split their camp in two: orcs in the west, and undead in the east.

The orcs obey their commander Dalgan, while the undead follow Bellandra Felstorm, a powerful warlock. Hopefully, their internal squabbles will be enough of a distraction that you'll be able to sneak in there and kill both of them. Sully has already infiltrated the ruins; find him inside when you are done.


Pretty scary-lookin' characters around here...


That's some fine and fancy killin', <class>.

Now, with those two all done 'n' taken care of, all that's left is the big fella in the hall behind me.


Also, you get: 11 40


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 13,035 experience (17 at max. level)
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(31742))

