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Kor'thik Aggression

Slay 17 Kor'thik Mantid at Kor'vess.
Kor'thik Mantid slain (17)


I'm no brewer - just looking at all those heaps of ingredients makes my head spin. Just put the brew in front of me when it's finished, thank you.

No, I'm here to make sure that the brewers don't get cut in half while they're trying to make that perfect brew. It's not an easy job.

The Kor'thik mantid across this basin have been attacking us nightly. If you're already heading over there, why don't you return the favor and attack a few of them?


Can't stand those mantid.


You've got the makings of a fine brewgarden guard, <race>. Let me know if you ever get tired of the whole "<class>" thing.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Sunset Satin Hood Sunset Hide Helm
Withered Wood Cap Sunset Burnished Headcover
Sunset Silk Cowl Sunset Leather Helm
Wind-Reaver Headguard Sunset Heavy Helm
Sunset Armored Helm
Also, you get: 11 40


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 13,720 experience (8 22 at max. level)
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(31133))

